Friday, March 14, 2025

This Ink Runs Cold on Kickstarter

The Kickstarter for Scott Morse's This Ink Runs Cold graphic novel is now live! I've talked about this book a few times, and it's now off to the printer, with 89 different one-page stories, including one written my me!

What must it be like to run a campaign that's immediately successful? Is it stress-free? Do you pay even more attention to it? I may never personally know, but this one reached its funding goal in just about two days, which is really impressive!

Scott created some graphics for the campaign, one of which lists all of the creators who worked on the book. How did I get on the first line? Bribery? No, never. But if you take a look at the list, you can see some really talented industry professionals like Stan Sakai, Brian Michael Bendis, Fabio Moon, Jim Mafood, Phil Hester and a bunch of other folks.

After last year's Comic-Con in San Diego, I posted a video that I made with Scott, talking about the book and what we might expect. The finished book should be ready by this year's convention, which is a quick turnaround and really exciting.

Scott is printing a regular version of the book, and a black and white "noir" version that'll be pretty limited. There's original art tiers, bookplates, and other physical rewards to get. I'm hoping that there'll be a group signing at Comic-Con during the summer, where I will definitely try to get a second volume going via the bully pulpit, if necessary. I'm really looking forward to this book. Check it out here, if you'd like: