
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Preorder Tick: Big Blue Destiny Preview Book now!

If you flip through the May edition of Diamond Comics' Previews catalog, you'll see that one of my greatest wishes has been granted: New England Comics didn't fire me after the Tick Free Comic Book Day came out!  In fact, if you look at page 329 of the catalog, you'll see that there's a kind of new Tick book available for pre-order, and I've got an 11-page story within its covers!

Tick: Big Blue Destiny Preview Book reprints the first official chapter of Eli Stone's run on the book, and it also features a brand new story that takes place right before the Stone story!  The picture above says "10 pages", but it's 11.  Trust me.

Duane Redhead once again joins me for the prequel-of-sorts, and I've got to say that his artwork looks spectacular.  We were both just wading into the waters in the FCBD book, so to speak, and I think you'll notice that we're a little more comfortable with the characters this time around.  I won't spoil any surprises (I'm also probably not allowed to spoil any surprises), but without giving anything away, I'll say that this new story features a montage scene.  That's pretty cool.  Kids like montages, right?

Anyway, if you liked the FCBD issue at all, I'd really appreciate it if you'd consider putting in an order for this new issues, due out in stores in July (just in time for Comic-Con!).  It's specially-priced at only $1.00, so it's super cheap!  And it's got 36 pages of great Tick stories inside, 11 of which are written by me.  I'm pretty darn excited for this book.

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