
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Links! Twitter! And random notes!!

Who doesn't like reading a little bit about a lot of different subjects?  No one, that's who!  Plus, I have a number of blog related pictures cluttering up my desktop, so it's time for another rousing edition of random notes!  Please hold any applause until the end.

- A couple links have come my way in the last week or two that are worth sharing.  The first is the Cyberspace Comics Blog, which covers a lot of topics, and one that is of particularly interesting to me.  The blog is in the process of providing in-depth commentary on every single issue of Marvel Two-in-One, including all crossover titles.  This is a herculean task to be sure and it takes a real Thing fan to accomplish something like this.  I myself am working my way through every issue of MTIO (plus the crossover titles), and I'm now around issue #80.  Two things of a few that I've taken from the series: first, the Thing is awesome.  Second, there are some tough issues to get through.

- Sean Kleefeld's always interesting blog had a post recently about why old comic books smell the way they do.  The answer isn't shocking by any means, but it's still a good read, with some insight on the printing process for new books, too.

- Well, the Steelers won again yesterday.  After some early season struggles, the team is rounding into form and on their way to taking the division from the hated Baltimore Ravens.  And because even retired Steelers are more newsworthy than than anyone on the Ravens team, the NFL put together a story about Hines Ward and his guest appearance on the Walking Dead!  Oh, Hines.  I miss ya.  If a receiver gets hurt down the stretch, I wouldn't mind resigning #86 for a lengthy playoff run.

And speaking of Super Bowl MVPs, I got this five dollar bill as change a few weeks ago.  The writing at top says "My 1st lost bet - maybe next yr...Super Bowl XL".  Why Super Bowl XL was won by Hines Ward and the Steelers!  And this joker bet against them?  That's what you get, Tess.  After scanning it, I put the bill back in circulation so someone else could experience the joy/misery.

- The blog has been enjoying a pretty steady upswing of late.  The big spike you see at the right took place the month surrounding Comic-Con.  Afterwards it came back down to earth a bit, but the numbers are still better than any point before the convention.  I'm glad that more people are enjoying the blog, or at least the pictures of Spider-Man I post.  I'll take what I can get.

- I'm sure we all saw the amazing Google doodle a few weeks ago celebrating Winsor McCay's birthday and his Little Nemo comic.  I'm also sure that Google doesn't need any more good press.  But I'm giving it to them anyway.

- A long, long time ago, I did a signing for the FUBAR Summer Special at Pittsburgh Comics in McMurray, PA, always a fun time.  I'll be doing another signing this coming Sunday (don't worry, the Steelers play on Monday night) for the Pittsburgh Comics & Collectibles show from 11:00-5:00.  You can get more details here!

- Google, as a matter of fact, is good for more than just looking up how to spell "Winsor McCay".  A quick image search revealed some images of two of my favorite comic characters - the Thing and the Tick - embroiled in daring combat!  The first one looks like it takes place in a garbage dump.  Okay.

And the next is more of an intellectual battle, I guess.  Neither of these two compare, though, to Steve Rude's battle royale between the Tick and Space Ghost!

I'd also enjoy seeing Arthur vs. Brak.

- Dr. Doom co-starred in the first eight issues of Astonishing Tales (not to be confused with Tales to Astonish), which means that I had to buy and read all of them, as per my particular psychosis.  Within issue #8, I found the above image, and I thought to myself, "it really looks like that red headed guy bought his beard from the fake beard company that used to advertise in comics."  And then, a few pages later, I saw this:

It must be true!!

- Proving that Internet sensation show Franks and Beans was right to choose such a culturally relevant name, I present a panel from this month's Avenging Spider-Man annual #1, featuring a good old fashioned team-up between Spidey and the Thing.

- Lastly, I have a Twitter account!  This may either increase or decrease your hatred of me (I'll deal with it).  If you'd like, even in the least bit, to hear clever witticisms such as the one above perhaps two, three times a week, feel free to follow me!  My Twitter name, which should throw off all stalkers and yet convince followers of the veracity of my account, is @JeffMcClelland.  Or you can just go to my page here:

See you next time!


Happy election day!  Here's a picture taken by a friend from the area:

Brilliant.  Megatron promises, I'm told, unprecedented change.  Mostly into the form of a much smaller gun that other Decepticons can carry and shoot.

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