
Monday, August 20, 2012

Pictures from the 2012 Comic-Con, part 9

Well, it's come to this - the ninth and final installment of this year's Comic-Con pictures.  How did I run out of pictures to show so soon?  And what in the world will I write about now?  I suppose that is a question for another day, for now...we will view and discuss the final pictures from this year's San Diego Comic-Con.

Sideshow Collectibles seems to push the envelope more and more each year. And to think that at one point I thought their $500 Thing bust was extreme!  Take a peek at this Terminator statue!  It can be yours for only...$6000!  Wow.  Where would you put this thing?  I guess anywhere you wanted.

Is this a He-Man costume?  I'll just assume that it is.

It was nice of all these scoundrels to line up for a picture like this.

These must have taken a while to make.

What th...26%?  Who is voting for the Foot Clan??

I was disappointed that this wasn't a Frankenberry thing.

It's been a while since I've seen Bartman referenced.  The Simpsons have changed quite a bit since the early years.

This is a great Batgirl costume!  It looks hand made but very well done.  The yellow is really striking.

What the heck.

There was a Frankenweenie display outside of the convention hall; movie models galore were on display.  This was one's surprising how much this looks like it's just a film grab from the movie.

Girl Punisher!

Well, Indiana Jones came out on Blu-Ray.  Perhaps it will ease our minds from Indy 4.

Harley Quinn takes a call.

The guy under the mask even looked like Rick Moranis.

Internet meme girl!

The guy did a pretty good Kermit impression as well.

Big Boy here had an extra hamburger in his bag just for Larry, which was nice.  He's very shocked by FUBAR, but I guess that happens.

How many times do you think people told him "I am the law"?  I wonder what he thought of the Stallone movie.

Here's another shot of the convention floor.  What a great, wild time Comic-Con was for all of us.  It was, as always, a lot of work and a pretty huge commitment.  There were disappointments and great, great triumphs.  In all, I had a fun time with fans of all kinds, brought together for five days of excitement and just a little bit of hero worship.  For good or ill, Comic-Con is a celebration of fandom and I enjoyed the revelry as much as most.

When I attended the 2006 Comic-Con, I couldn't imagine it growing any larger.  The 2012 version, though, was just that - bigger and more bombastic.  It spread outside of the convention halls and into the streets of downtown San Diego, to the point that people and companies were buying out office space in the surrounding area just to get in on the atmosphere.  This makes me wonder where Comic-Con will ever stop - in 10 years, will it be a city-wide event?  Will it expand past the point of containment?

I'm not sure if I'll apply to attend the 2013 version of the show.  It takes a lot of time and money to attend as an exhibitor, and I'd enjoy spending my summer doing something other than dealing with constant deadlines.  But the draw of Comic-Con is also great.  The allure is almost palpable, the shine almost tangible.  I've got a few more weeks until I decide if 2013 will be the year for me.  But I am sure that I will, some day, be back for more.

Just not on a Segway.

Thanks for the memories, Comic-Con!

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