
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A few pre-Comic-Con notes

I'm on my way to Comic-Con and am excited to get to San Diego and set up the booth!  But before then comes the blog.  Always the blog.  Let's see what we've got.

- The recent post about FUBAR's Comic-Con exclusive book has recently become one of the most popular I've written.  I'm going to assume that this is because hundreds of people are interested in the limited edition book that I'll have at the booth, and not because they're all doing a Google Images search for the Comic-Con logo.  A hem.  The books are done and are racing me to San Diego...they should be in today or tomorrow!

- After the Comic-Con issue, the next FUBAR to arrive is FUBAR: Summer Special, which is tentatively scheduled to arrive in stores on August 15th.  Above is a clip from a story I have in that book, titled "To the Last Man".  The art looks just fantastic, and it's by Lonny Chant, with greyscales by Jeff McComsey.

- Paypal Here, the mobile credit card service, launched months and months ago.  When I heard about it, I signed up for it right away!  And then I waited...and waited.  Last week, I got the approval e-mail, and on Friday, I got this thing in the mail.  This was an extremely close call, but I'm happy that it's here and I'm happy to say that I'll be able to accept credit cards at the Wagon Wheel Comics booth!  So the ol' "I don't have any cash on me!" convention excuse is no longer valid.

- Your friend (and mine) Larry will be dressing up for Comic-Con this year.  What costumes will we be wearing?  I'm not giving up any secrets just yet, but they involve the helmets above.  Look for a post I'll write about every website we show up on in costume in about a week and a half.

- I guess the next few notes involve Larry.  Whatever.  Here's a TV Guide ad from 1979 that Larry got as part of a Dukes of Hazzard binder.  Check out this Captain America movie ad from 33 years ago!  I hope those terrorists are careful with their deadly aging gas...

- Take a peek at the new and improved Franks and Beans DVDs! And by "new and improved" I mean "I painted them." We'll have these guys at the booth on sale for cheap. What booth, you ask? Why, row Q, booth 11 in the small press section! Stop by and say hello! And if you buy a DVD, you might be our new best friend.

Here's a new Franks and Beans! Enjoy!


  1. I like the video and love all the super heroes.

  2. Thanks, Steve! I mean, Brad! I mean, SteveBrad! Glad you liked the video and I hope you check out more of 'em.
