
Saturday, March 31, 2012

FCBD Vic Boone!

The FUBAR/215 Ink Free Comic Book Day books are off to the printer in the next day or two, and I just finished lettering the second 215 story I worked on - a 12-page Vic Boone story.  Above is a few panels from the story, titled "Sea of Trouble", written by Shawn Aldridge with art by Jason Copland and Jeff McComsey.

Vic Boone, if you couldn't tell from the preview above, is a hard-nosed throwback character who...fights monsters and stuff.  This was a fun story to do, and it was fun in general just being involved with these books, which will include the "Apes with Uzis" story I mentioned a few days ago.

The Kickstarter campaign for these books was a complete success.  As I'm writing this, there are seven hours left to go and it's been funded almost three times over.  That's incredible, and it'll give us the opportunity to get these books into that many more shops for one of the biggest yearly events in comics.

This is just one of many projects that is coming to fruition right now.  Working on comics is a strange thing, because there are times of great stagnation, where nothing seems to be happening to any great degree, and there are times like now, where I'm getting art in left and right.  Time to ride the wave, I guess.

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