
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pictures from the FUBAR signing

Today was the day for the FUBAR signing at Pittsburgh Comics, and if I had to qualify it (AND I DO), I'd say that it was a success.  I didn't take as many pictures as I might have liked to, but that's because I spent a lot of time selling books and talking to people, and that's a good thing.

Directly above is the table that Colin, the owner of Pittsburgh Comics in McMurray, had set up at the front of the store.  It's a great looking shop, and if you're from the area and haven't checked it out yet, take a ride down route 19 and stop in one day.  I gave away copies of Teddy and the Yeti #1 to anyone who bought a copy of FUBAR, so hopefully I managed to get a few people interested in T&Y as well.

I ended up selling a few books almost immediately after I arrived, including to this fine customer.  I drew zombie sketches in most of the books I sold, which probably immediately lowered the value of the book.

...not everyone was happy with the product, though, and I spent some of the day in fear, which is only natural, I guess.  You make a book about zombies and some people are bound to be violently outraged.  It comes with the territory.

This is an example of just how awful my artistry is.  Say what you will about my writing (no, seriously, someone react to it in some form), but at least they keep me away from the art boards.  Highlight of this image: finally getting to use the red Sharpie.

And look!  It's my adorable nephew, Jacob, along with a book that he won't be allowed to read for 17 more years, or until I'll be...uh...33.

Many thanks once again to Colin and Pittsburgh Comics for letting me set up shop in the store for a few hours.  FUBAR: Empire of the Rising Dead is in stores this Wednesday, so if you weren't able to grab a copy at one of the signings going on around the country, you can pick one up then.  I had a great time today for sure.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Looks like a good book Jeff. Nice job getting a signing.
    Jeff Lafferty
