
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

casting call!

I almost convinced myself not to post this - I somehow thought that if I wrote about the recent casting call for the Dark Knight Rises movie, set to film soon in Pittsburgh, that I'd let other people in on the secret and I'd be pushed out in my attempt to be an extra (or anything, really...anything at all) in the film.  That was probably (probably?) a case of me not realizing just how little impact something like that would have on life in general and my chances with this movie specifically, so here we are!

For the past few months I've been waiting for the call to be made, and now it's almost here: this weekend will begin an open call for extras for next month's filming of the Batman sequel.  The Pittsburgh Film Office relayed this message from Smith & Webster-Davis/Nancy Mosser Cating, which was then quickly picked up in this article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, which says that around 2,000 extras will be needed to play "prisoners, thugs, guards, businessmen and women and sports fans".  If I get to play someone dead...oh man, one of my life's ambitions will be fulfilled (really).

The film is running (for now) under the working title "Magnus Rex."  The Pittsburgh Film Office's Facebook page had the below announcement, which had a pretty funny reply:


I'm going to try and show up for this Saturday's casting call.  I won't know if I'll be chosen to play an extra for another month and a half at the earliest, but here's hoping I can pull it off for at least a few days.   Maybe all that time on One Tree Hill will finally pay off.  Maybe.

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