
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Q&A with Fubar's Jeff McComsey, part 2

Today I'll finish up my conversation with Jeff McComsey, man of many talents who also has a great looking beard.  Seriously, he must have started growing that thing years ago.

You can read the first part of this question-and-answer session here!

McClelland: As a writer/artist, you might look at the creation process a bit differently than someone who just does one or the other.  Do you ever draw first with the intention of adding dialogue later?  What differences do you notice with your style when drawing from someone else's script as opposed to being in control of the entire process?

McComsey: I like to switch up between working from my own writing to someone else’s finished scripts.  Sitting down and banging out a little short story by myself is very satisfying but I find that good comic writers know how to move a story a lot better than I do when I kind of make it up as I go along.  My stuff tends to meander along when I write my own stuff. 

McClelland : What do you enjoy about working from some else's script?

McComsey: I love different peoples' pacing from panel to panel. I know that working from a script usually has me stretching away from my comfort zone more often than when I just roll with my stuff.

McClelland: Who are some of your artistic influences in the comic industry (or otherwise)?

McComsey: I’m a big fan of British writers and artists. 2000AD is a personal favorite of mine. I love guys like Dave Gibbon, Colin Wilson and Garth Ennis.  I constantly find myself inspired by my small press brothers and sisters who have been turning out some excellent work.

Film is a big influence, particularly when I’m composing a shot. Older films are great sources of reference on how to frame shots and stage lighting.

McClelland: What are your thoughts on sandwich meat?  Do you have a favorite and why?

McComsey: I like a good sandwich. I like deli ham sliced very thin. That’s the key. I feel like the flavor and texture are much nicer when it’s thinly sliced. I find the older I get the spicier I like my Deli meats.  The other key to a good sandwich is good bread/roll.

McClelland: Feel free to use this last question to sell a potential reader on FUBAR.  What should they expect?  Why should they buy it?  Where can they get it?  WILL THERE BE ANOTHER?!

McComsey: FUBAR has something for all comic fans. If you like zombie books, you’ll like FUBAR. If you love World War II comics, you’ll love FUBAR. If you love indie comic art, you’ll love FUBAR. It’s 15 short stories that collect into a 184 page book for $12.00. I feel that FUBAR contains some work from guys and girls who will be prolific creators in the near future worth keeping an eye on.  FUBAR is available at your local comic shops or online via or through Barnes and Noble.  We will be releasing a second volume of FUBAR in the early fall of 2011. Stay tuned!

Many thanks for Jeff for answering all of my weird questions...especially the one about sandwich meat, which was actually pretty interesting now that I read the whole thing again.  I'm more of an oven-roasted turkey guy myself, all things considered.

Be sure to pick up volume one of FUBAR from your local comic shop or from, and check out Jeff's websites here and here!

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