
Monday, December 27, 2010

At last! Something to do in Cleveland!

It's no secret that the cities of Pittsburgh and Cleveland have something of a rivalry going on between them.  Well, okay, perhaps that's a bit too much personification - it's the people between the cities who fuel the competition, and much of that springs from the sports rivalry between the Steelers and the Browns, which, to be honest, hasn't been much of a rivalry in recent years.  That's okay, though, because it is admittedly difficult for any team to keep up with the SIX! TIME! SUPER BOWL! CHAMPION! Steelers.

Ah hem.  Anyway, good natured barbs aside, Cleveland does have some things going for it.  Lake Erie, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the burgeoning arts scene - not to mention the fact that Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster lived there.

Matt Kuhns of the site "Modern Ideas" recently created a map celebrating that history by marking significant sites throughout Cleveland that relate to Superman and his creators - some of which are still there to visit, some of which aren't, and one that will hopefully be added in the future - a Superman museum.

It's a shame that Cleveland hasn't yet fully embraced this aspect of its history, but steps are being made to bring the significance of Superman in Cleveland to light.  I do believe that one day a Superman museum will be built.  In the mean time, this map illustrates that there are still a number of cool Man of Steel related attractions in Eastern Ohio.  This may be cause for a road trip...

Read the original post here, and download a pdf of the map here!


  1. Thank you so much for posting about this! Cheers!

    There's definitely a sort of underground effort to celebrate our fair city's Superman legacy. It's slowly raising awareness, I think. FWIW, I couldn't work it into the map but some of the street names in Glenville have been given alternate names relating to Superman, which was a neat little discovery.

  2. What, like "Lois Lane" and things like that?
