
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

black & white

I'm a bigger fan of comics in color, for the most part, but I can also appreciate what black and white art brings to the table.  In regards to Duane Rehead's art (and I'm sure the art of most artists), the final, colored product has a different feel to it than that of the raw, uncolored version (the same is true when you compare the pencilled pages to the inked ones).  It's because of this - and also because hey, I do what I want - that I'm publishing a short run of Teddy and the Yeti #2 sans colors.  I wasn't sure about how it would turn out, but tonight as I preview the final PDF product, I'm really excited with the idea of getting this out in front of people.

Duane's art is very stark and sharp, and I think some of that sharpness is dulled a bit once colors are introduced to the product.  That's not a knock on the colorists who work on the book - I've been very lucky to have such consistently good coloring - but more of a reflection on Duane's work.

I'll have copies of this book with me at the New York Comic Con in October.  Even if you've seen the regular version of issue #2, come and check this out.

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