
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It's time for more random notes! DEAL WITH IT!

It's time again for me to tell the world about various things that are going on in the world of Teddy and the Yeti...and other comic stuff that I feel like talking about.  And Franks and Beans.  Let's get to it!

- I posted a picture of the soon-to-arrive Teddy and the Yeti sketch cards the other day, mentioning that I'm working on a total of 18 trading cards for the series.  Several of the cards will be "character" cards, similar to the old Marvel Universe series from the early 1990s.  A number of artists are working on these cards, and I delegated the character Craxl (from the "Seeing is Believing" story in issue #3) to superstar Alan Gallo, cover artist on the New Dimension Comics version of issue #1.  He sketched a couple different versions before we settled on a pose, all of which you can see below.  They're all pretty good - though I do think the bottom right looks a bit like a deranged Dr. Zoidberg.

- So, the economy is currently in the toilet.  Times are tough, I know.  One good thing to come out of these economic times is the bevy of deals to be had on eBay.  I recently bought Fantastic Four annual #2 - the origin of Dr. Doom! - for less than 20 bucks.  Twenty bucks!  Holy crap.  I was happy to see that, upon inspection, the book did not feature characters with penned-on mustaches, as has happened before. I also got issue #32 for around $17.

- I'm currently trying to organize my entire comic book collection, which is a real pain in the butt.  All of the comics I've bought for the last seven years or so have been placed in their own bags with boards, but any comic I got before that time is another story.  So I'm alphabetizing and trying to get all of the comics packed away like a good obsessed collector should.  Right now I'm on "N", and I want to gouge my eyes out.

- A friend recently send me a link to one of the strangest blogs I've yet to come across, comic related or not.  The site is called "Dateline: Silver Age", and it's devoted to posting newspaper headlines from stories in Silver Age comic books.  There's no editorial content, no contextual information beyond the issue title, number and date.  It's just the picture.  So bizarre.  I find that I go there at least once a week, and I have no idea why.  It's strangely intoxicating.

- A little while ago I mentioned that the Franks and Beans website had crashed.  I did my best and managed to get it up and running again, only to find that the site might have been hacked and - oh no! - there might be a virus imbedded in its code.  So for all that is holy, don't go to the main website!  At least until I get THAT problem worked out as well.  For now, though, you can console yourself by watching the videos on YouTube, which is almost as good.  In fact, I've uploaded a ton of new episodes in the last week.  Here's one of my favorites:

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