
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back to it.

As I'm sure many many people have been fretting over when I would get back from vacation so I can update this blog, I feel that it is my duty to let everyone (EVERYONE) know that I've arrived home safely.  Most of my plants even made it (the strawberries took a hit, sigh), and I even picked a zucchini that grew in the garden while I was away.  Fantastic.

There's some new comic news to relay!  Some of it can wait, but the most immediate deals with the upcoming "Fubar" anthology, which will include the "Yalta" story by me and the fabulous Leo Pietro.  I'm helping out by lettering another story, "Stalemate", written and drawn by Dominic Vivona, of which you can see a clip above.  This is the first lettering work I've done on a story other than my own, so I'm excited to see it come out.  The book is apparently going to press soon, so I'll be sure to post some more updates on this when I hear 'em.

Now, back to lettering.

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