
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another signing at New Dimension Comics!

Teddy and the Yeti #2 is right around the corner (UPS's information tells me that it's been in New Stanton since 8:51 this morning.  What is the hold up?  Don't they know I will drive there to pick them up?  Come on!) - and I've just set up a new signing at the Century III New Dimension Comics.  NDC has a great presence in Pittsburgh, and the Century III store is pretty big - and it's got the curious distinction of being located in a mall, so there are plenty of passers by who have never read a comic book in their lives and thus give you the strangest looks as you try to sell them your comic...but perhaps that's just me.

In any case, some of the smaller details still need to be worked out, but it looks like I'll be there on Saturday the 20th (two days away!) at 3:00 to...question mark.  Don't you know that all the best parties end at question mark?  Perhaps you should stop on by and see.

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