
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Even MORE random updates

Because knowledge is power, here's more updates about Teddy and the Yeti that might not merit their own blog.  I apparently have standards when it comes to blog length.

- Indy Comic Book Week has been good to Teddy and the Yeti, even though I just kind of lucked out and released the book right around the date when Diamond decided to take a week off.  The extra spotlight (releasing the issue wasn't enough?!?) led to some reviews, most of which mention the fact that the title rhymes.  This is fine, because I think about it daily.

"Just a Few Comics" is one such site to take a look at the title.  The author postulates that I call the book "Teddy and the Yeti" because "the Yeti's name did not rhyme with 'human'".  "Human and the Crewman" was actually my second choice for the title.  How did he/she guess?

- Project Fanboy named Teddy and the Yeti #1 one of their "hot picks" for the last Wednesday of 2009.  Click the link and scroll down to see a tiny thumbnail of issue #1s cover.  You might even print it out and stick it with your action figures so they get a chance to flip through it.

- I've just heard back from Lone Star Comics, another big online retailer who will soon be carrying and selling copies of Teddy and the Yeti.  I've got a package ready to ship to them now, so I imagine they'll have it available soon.  Lone Star, which has about a billion stores in the state of Texas, joins Midtown Comics and Mile High Comics as online retailers carrying the book.

I'm particularly excited about this because Lone Star has a great back issue selection, and I place big orders with them several times a year to plug holes in my collection.  Yes, I will be tempted to order my own book once it's up and online, even though that really serves no purpose.

- I've sent in my application for the 2010 Pittsburgh Comicon. The powers that be cashed my check with lightning speed, so I assume that means one of two things: I just got robbed, or Wagon Wheel Comics has a spot at the show.  I'll post more about this once I know more!

- The New Dimension Comics Exclusive version of issue #1 has been approved for print and should be in my hands within a week.

The assembly line keeps moving, as I'll immediately send them issue #2, which I just (as in, half an hour ago) finished lettering.  Once it goes through the proofreading process, it'll be officially in the hands of the printer.  This is a bit later than I had hoped, but it shouldn't affect the in-store date of the book, which is still February...less than a month from now!

- This has nothing to do with comics, but I don't care.  I met Jerome Bettis the other day.  Did I mention how much I love Jerome Bettis?  Well, I do.  One of the best running backs of all time, and Mr. Steeler to me!

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