
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Random updates

...get it? The image is of the character "Random" from X-Force...or of those X-Men spinoff teams. Whatever. Anyway, a few updates to pass along, none big enough to warrant a long rant:

- I've updated this blog site just a bit by adding a few widgets to the side bar over on the right. Now you can search all posts (just like you've always wanted!), and wander through the maze that is the largest, most incomprehensible tag cloud with all the many, many labels I've used in the past.

You want to know how many times I've used "The Thing" as a tag? Four! (well, now it's five.) How about "Pittsburgh"? Take a peek on the right...and you just might find out! I've even tagged Sarah Palin once, for who knows what reason.

- Todd Nauck has agreed to do an interview for Teddy and the Yeti issue #2. As you'll recall (YOU WILL!), Todd drew the Mr. Massive cover to the same issue. Phil Hester was kind enough to do the same for issue #1 - a cover and an interview. I wasn't sure if I could get a hold of Todd, but I was able to a few days ago.

- They're having a ridiculous sale over at, the place I preorder most of my Futurama toys from. I'm not sure how long the sale - 50-90% off their entire stock - will last, but I moved on it as soon as I got the e-mail: among a few other things, I got the Marvel Legends 1st Appearance Thing figure for five bucks!

- I got an e-mail from Pat Olliffe on Thursday saying that his Teddy and the Yeti cover is done. He both penciled and inked it, and I'll be getting it in the mail in a few days. This is theoretically the cover to issue #4, though Duane and I may take some time off after we'll see what eventually happens.

- Teddy and the Yeti #1 is officially on its way from Brenner Printing to my house. I should get all 2,000 issues by Tuesday, at which time I'll have to figure out where to put them between now and when I ship the orders off to Diamond's various warehouses.

- Teddy and the Yeti #1 is currently number 40 on Exclamation Comics' top 100 best selling comic books of the day, outranking Dark Reign: Hawkeye #5, Haunt #1 and Deadpool Team-Up #899. I have no idea what this means in any real context.

- Artist Nick Acs has a new blog with art from a backup story that will be featured in a future issue of Teddy and the Yeti. It was posted on October 25th, and as of now it's very much the only post on the site. Which is awesome.

That's all I've got! And a great time was had by all.


  1. "I have no idea what this means in any real context."

    This is Vincent from Exclamation Comics. What it means is that people liked looking at your comic at our site more than looking at Hawkeye.

    Why would that be, you might ask. Is interest really that much greater? Well, maybe, but the fact that we featured the comic as a staff pick was probably important, too.


  2. Hey Vincent - did you know that you and everyone at Exclamation comics are my new best friends? Seriously, if you'd like some free ad space in a future issue of Teddy and the Yeti, just ask.

  3. Darn you Vincent and and everyone at Exclamation comics! I was his old best friend. But you guys sure are cool, I'll play second fiddle to you guys any day.


  5. Have you received your Toyrocket order yet? I ordered from them a week ago and haven't heard anything, it's making me wonder...

  6. Hey, Scott, welcome to the blog! I actually did get part of my order in yesterday, so I imagine yours is coming soon. There was one thing (McFarlane Steelers three-pack) that is, apparently, on back order. So it's not complete, but I have faith.

    I've ordered things from them before and I've never had any problems. I know it does wear on your patience waiting for things you order's part of my love/hate relationship with eBay.

  7. Ah, I'm glad to hear that you've received some, that's a relief. I've ordered from them twice in the past, too, and have had no trouble either time, but after placing this latest order I got curious about how others responded to the sale, which seems amazing to me and almost too good to be true, and then I saw that Toyrocket had filed for bankruptcy just two months ago, leaving many customers short, and after that I got worried that the sale was some sort of trick, which I guess it still could be somehow...

    Thank you for the welcome, too. I came here from just searching "toyrocket" but maybe I stay...

  8. I didn't know they filed for bankruptcy...that would be a pretty good scam, get all the orders you can and then leave town, heh. But so far they haven't let me down, so I have faith.

    It seems strange that searching for "toyrocket", a word I used just about ONCE, brought you here, but hey...I think it's great either way. Stick around and check out the main site! The first issue of Teddy and the Yeti comes out soon, so keep an eye out for it! Or, hell, I could probably send you one if you can't find it in stores.
