
Friday, October 16, 2009

Teddy and the Yeti - scourge of the Internets

Perhaps "scourge" isn't the right word, but it sounded so cool when I was writing the title, I kept it. We all live with disappointments.

One of the most satisfying things about slowly introducing Teddy and the Yeti to the outside world - and by "outside world" I mean "now more than three people potentially know about it" - is witnessing people I've never met discuss the book and characters. It lends a bit of relevance to them...or at least it's fun to find when I, once a day at least, type "Teddy and the Yeti" (using the quotes) into Google's search engine. Below are some of the results I've found, and they are each very exciting in their own ways.

Badger Comics, an online retailer, was to my knowledge the first site to offer Teddy and the Yeti #1 as a pre-order. In fact, it's listed first on the list of Google's results, even before the actual homepage. Why isn't listed first is confounding - the website is the EXACT name you're typing in...but oh well. Perhaps that means that lots of people are going to Badger Comics and pre-ordering the book.

Exclamation Comics is a retailer based out of the Netherlands (the Netherlands!). For reasons unknown, they've "hand picked"(?) the first issue of Teddy and the Yeti as a title they think you, the discerning reader, will enjoy. They've even given me my own hyperlinked name that leads to a list of books I've worked on...which currently includes one book. Someone (ahem) should set them straight and let them know that I have two or three books out. Come on, Netherlands! Get it together!

On a Comic Book Resources blog about books coming out in December, my new best friend Josh B. asks "What about Teddy and the Yeti #1? It's right at the back of the comic section and easy to miss, but it's got a Phil Hester cover and the promise of at least one yeti!" Well, Josh, I hope I don't disappoint you when I reveal that the book only has one Yeti. It sounds like you were hoping for me. I swear that I do not know who "Josh B." is. The "Larry" who posts later on...yeah, I know him, so that one doesn't count.

Lastly, I just about fell out of my hypothetical chair when I learned that HOH Comics is taking pre-orders of the first issue on eighth wonder of the world eBay! I have no idea if anyone is ordering the book or not (the information on the site says that they have 100 available), but just having something of mine on fills me with emotions that possibly amount to pride. Hopefully not of the "seven deadly sins" variety, but hey, I'll take what I can get.


  1. Ha! I'm that Josh B. and one yeti is good by me. I'm really looking forward to the book!

  2. Well, I guess you're my new best friend. I hope you enjoy the book! I'll probably...I dunno...send you an autographed copy if you'd like. And also a dollar. I'm trying to think of other things.
