
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Speech Balloons

Progress on Teddy and the Yeti continues to be made.  Colored pages for the first issue are starting to roll in, leaving letters as the last piece of the puzzle to be...well, whatever you do with puzzle pieces.  What I'm getting at is this: we're nearing the end.

My good friends Brant Fowler and Adnan Virk are each contributing to the book in their own way with letters and advice, but I'm looking to take the bulk of the work on myself.  This entails that I actually learn how to letter, which is no easy task, but I'm working on it.  If nothing else, I spent a big hunk o' money on buying Adobe's Illustrator CS4 program, which is as daunting as it is wonderful.  This is obviously time consuming, but I think that in the end, as long as I can get the hang of it, it'll be worth it.  If I find out that I'm just not up to snuff, I'll take myself off of lettering duties - I don't want the product to suffer because of stupidity on my part - and hand those responsibilities off to someone else, but at least for now, it looks like I'll be adding that to my list of things to do.

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