
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Where have you gone, NFL Superpro?

It's not like I'm not used to corporate sponsorship in comic books, but nothing's stands out quite like the short-lived NFL Superpro.  I was a little young to get into it at the time it was first published, but now that I've come to be aware of, how did this ever make it to the spinner racks?

Now that the 2008 NFL season has begun I've thought a little bit about the NFL Superpro, and on one hand, I wish the character had never existed in the first place.  But on the other, I'm just glad that he didn't survive to go through the '90s "grim and gritty" era like so many other books.  Could you imagine this guy with guns and stab wounds and a patch over one eye?  It was almost to be, I'm sure.

I'm not sure how the NFL is received in other parts of the world, but Pittsburgh always gets flipped inside out every time the Steelers play, and I'm not immune to the Sunday ritual in any way.  Ever year I think the Steelers will win the Super Bowl, and I've only been right once in my life - so this year, of course, will be a sixth championship for the 76-year-old franchise for sure.  I can just feel it!

I look forward to going undefeated and crushing all opponents.  Just like the NFL Superpro.

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