
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pictures from the 2019 Comic-Con International, part 6 (Saturday, 7/20)

Let's look at pictures from Saturday at Comic-Con!

I got to the convention center on Saturday morning at around the same time I did on Friday, and lo and behold, I pulled up right next to this giant truck-bed robot. Hey there, work buddy.

Who was in charge of obscuring the Comic-Con logo? Now the escalator shot is ruined!!

My first order of business on Saturday was to get in line for limited drawings. I wanted to see the Thomas Lennon panel in the Horton Grand Theatre later in the afternoon, so I took my spot in the way, way back, as usual. But I ended up getting tickets with no problem after a little bit of a wait.

Rogue was in a hurry to get in line.

Are we sure this isn't the actual actor from Deadpool 2?

Spider-Punk. Fight the power.

I enjoy both this Orko puppet as well as the emotionless stare from the puppeteer.

Conan...the Bavarian.

What I'm saying is, a lot of people in costume walked by the booth on Saturday.

This is a MEGO Batman, yes?

Here's a guy who had his entire arm covered by Steeler greats. As far as tattoos go, this is a good choice.

I met up with Patric Verrone of Futurama and Disenchantment fame! The second season of Disenchantment is now on Netflix, and I am absolutely loving it.

Okay. This is a seriously fantastic Shepherd Book outfit. Kudos to this guy.

There's something for everyone at Comic-Con.

Not for nothing, but Beaker put a lot more work into his costume for the show.

I went outside for a bit (probably for the Taco Truck) and saw the Game of Thrones group picture setup.

I'm convinced that these are video game characters!

These fine folks were one of several who dressed up as Disenchantment characters on this day. Good on 'em for getting the whole group.

Kyle Rayner is the best Green Lantern! This is a fact.

Look at these! These are great Skeletor and She-Ra costumes.

I saw a group of Batmen as I hung out at the New England Comics booth. Apparently I decided to get all of their pictures individually. Here's Batman Beyond!

Movie Batman!

Marionette Batman! Or is this supposed to be Bat-Mite?


Oh, and here's a bejeweled Stormtrooper.

Mixed media!

A Terrifics-era Plastic Man!

Fiona and Cake!

By the Power of Grayskull!

As the afternoon was winding down, I went outside and walked to the Horton for the ticketed panel. We all float at Comic-Con.

Lastly, here's a crossover that would be fun to see. There are more pictures from Saturday to come!

1 comment:

  1. That Skeletor is perfect. About the Game of Thrones pic, my White Walker is better than all of those, and I love how the Incredibles are hanging out in the background looking all jealous.
