
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Pictures from the 2018 Comic-Con International, part 7 (Saturday, 7/21)

Let's look at pictures that I took on Saturday at the 2018 Comic-Con! Who's ready? YOU ARE READY!

We start out the day with a very causal Iron Man at the bottom of the steps in the convention hall lobby.

My first stop on Saturday was the Sails Pavilion, where I saw a couple cartoon characters...

...including this really good Captain Caveman!

After the Venture Bros. outdoor panel the night before, I new that I wanted to get a ticket for the signing event happening early in the morning. I managed to get a ticket and see some of the people behind the show, including Jackson Publick!

And then I guess I took similar pictures on the way down the line, such as this one with James Urbaniak!

And here's Michael Sinterniklaas!

Upon arriving at the signing, someone involved with the show handed out production artwork to everyone in line, which was a big surprise. I got a Brock Samson drawing, which everyone at the table signed. At the end of the signing, there were still probably 100 of them left, and boy, did I wish I could've gotten a few more. But I decided to not be any more lecherous than I already was, and came out pretty far ahead, all things considered.

And then it was back to the floor...with another great She-Ra.

Early in the day, I thought that the crowd seemed a little bit light. That quickly changed later in the day, as it was probably as crowded as I've ever seen it. I guess that's to be expected on a Saturday.

Hey, look, it's Thor and a Dark Knight Joker, possibly as good as Larry's Halloween costume from a couple years ago, but please don't tell Larry that I said that.

Lego had a few of these set up - displays that looked like big carded action figures, where you could be the action figure.

Hey, it's Booster Gold!

I wish I got a better picture of this, because this Infinity Gauntlet-wielding Thanos was one of the best costumes I saw all weekend.

I spent some time at the New England Comics booth talking with the voice of The Tick - Townsend Coleman. Townsend is a heck of a nice guy who always had time to talk we me about the Tick and comics in general.

In the afternoon, I got invited to a small industry gathering. Instead of taking pictures there, I found Yondu and Nebula hanging out by the pool.

And then, on the way back to the convention center, I was very surprised (to say the least) to see Pittsburgh Steeler DeAngelo Williams dressed as the Predator! Why is this Steelers running back at Comic-Con? I don't care! I was great to meet him!

This Inspector Gadget would've been more impressive if I hadn't just met DeAngelo Williams. But oh well.

I made my way back through the crush of convention floor attendees because I had a wristband for a signing at the WB booth with the cast of The Flash. Pictured above is the Flash, know...not the TV one.

I managed to get there just in time. We were all told - in no uncertain terms - that we had to put our cameras away for the signing, so this is the best image I got of the signing. Still, I managed to get a poster signed by the cast and I got to chat briefly about Scrubs with Tom Cavanagh, so that was pretty fun.

Waiting on the other side of the line was the Reverse Flash. And also his dog.

Everyone in this picture is giving the Alien the side-eye.

I'm gonna say it - the Batman Who Laughs is weird. But this is a good costume.

And here's a decent Static Shock!

Did this Thor even have a hammer? Oh, wait...Ragnarok Thor IS the hammer. Okay.

Some Teen Titans...

...and some great Black Panther characters, including a very low-key Killmonger.

The detail work from this Cable is outstanding.

Dumbledore couldn't get inside, I guess.

It takes a brave individual to dress as Zardoz. Good for this guy, I guess.

There's Thor's hammer!

I actually went to a panel in the convention hall after the show had ended. As I left, the Sails Pavilion was filling up as the Masquerade was starting!

And at night, I took another trip, but I'll leave that for the next time! Until then!

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