
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Pictures from the 2018 Comic-Con International, part 2 (Wednesday, 7/18)

Let's look at some pictures from Comic-Con's preview night, Wednesday the 17th! As usual, I took advantage of my exhibitor badge to take pictures and see stuff before the crowd made its way in!

So they still make Transformers movies. What are these movies like? What happens in them? Does anyone know? Maybe they'll make a Beast Wars movie some day. Anyway, this Bumblebee display was pretty impressive.

Thanos snapped his fingers and MegaBloks disappeared.

I know that this is a video game display. That's the extent of what I know about this.

Time for a few last minute arrangements, and...!

The doors to the hall opened a half hour early this year, at 5:30. And things were actually pretty calm until 6:00, which leads me to believe that only certain lines were allowed in for the first half hour, which was interesting. I naturally ran around like mad and made it through a number of lines before things started to get really crowded.

I can see carpet! What is going on?!

Here's Chris Burnham and Robert Kirkman signing...things.

Snake or dragon?

People do dress up on Preview Night! Here's Mario, Princess Peach and...Toad, before we collectively were no longer allowed to dress as Toad ever again.

I know this character is from an Adult Swim show, but can anyone tell me which one?

Preview Night ended at 9:00, and soon after, I made my way over to the Super7 offsite location! This year's theme was "Hordak's Lair", but I guess they still had the Skeletor's Lair neon sign, so they used the branding for both.

Super7 released the "Laughing He-Man" figure at Comic-Con, and I had to make sure I got one. Like before, they had collections on display as well, such as this lovely Snake Mountain!

And there's Hordak, the man of the hour.

I would love it very much if Super7 one day decided to get a bigger space for their store, because it always takes a long time to get in. I guess that's part of the point - the exclusivity of it all - and once again I was willing to brave the line. But I would be okay if I only had to wait half as long.

What else did I end up with on Preview Night? Well, ABC Studio had quite a few items on sale for the first time that I can remember, including...this Golden Girls mystery box. It cost $45, and it was imminently worth it.

That's it for Preview Night. More to come later!

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