
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Pictures from the 2018 Comic-Con International, part 1 (Tuesday, 7/17)

Well, well. It's that time again, isn't it? That time, somewhere between one and seven months after Comic-Con, where I take some time to show off some of the many pictures taken at the year's premier comic convention? I suppose it is. Let's see what 2018 had to offer.

This year, I flew into Los Angeles on the Monday before the show began. I had just finished reading "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand, about the life and trials of Louie Zamperini. The book is an absolute masterpiece, and since I was going to be pretty close to Zamperini's hometown of Torrance, I thought I'd make a few stops to see some of the local memorials for the WWII hero. There was a small display at Zamperini Field, which is...right next to a Jaguar dealership, I guess.

Zamperini was an Olympian who ran in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where he stole a Nazi flag (and was almost killed for it). It, and other incredible pieces of memorabilia, were on display in a small case at the airfield.

Here's a comic portraying the time that he was lost at sea.

I made a few other stops, including at his old high school, which also, uh, doubles as "Sunnydale High" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

After the sightseeing was through, I made my way south to San Diego, where Comic-Con seemed in full swing, even though it didn't start for another day. This guy had better check his trunk.

I walked to the convention center to pick up my badge for the week, and as I passed the Hall H tents, I saw...this group of people waiting in line to get into the convention hall. This was on Tuesday, more than 24 hours before the convention would open. People were already in line. Outrageous.

As always, Tuesday is the day when workers are frantically trying to finish the big show displays. Here's a "Fear the Walking Dead" vehicle, part of a larger display.

I love the way this place looks.

The Marvel cinematic universe once again had sole sponsorship of the lamppost banners across town.

I didn't get any tickets for the Conan O'Brien shows this year (that's okay). They did have a store in the Gaslamp District, but I'm not sure if it was open to anyone. Lots of Funko Pops behind this garage door.

People are always very excited to get here.

Jack Ryan replaced The Tick as Amazon's big interactive display this year. They brought a helicopter in, which I guess is kind of on the extreme side. This multiple-story zone was packed for the entire event.

Do you think they get a new banner every year? Or just roll it up and use it until it falls apart?

I'm always fascinated to see everything come together. The small press area looks pretty bare on Tuesday.

Every other area is filled with crates and forklifts. Here's what would become the DC booth.

Hello, Hasbro.

I was excited to see the Disenchantment booth this year. Netflix doesn't advertise very often, but I guess they figured they should in 2018, as Simpsons and Futurama fans were probably expecting too see something for the new series.

C'mon, Mega Bloks. That's the whole POINT of your toys.

I got to hang up my banner! And take a picture in front of it!

I was able to set up the whole booth on Tuesday, which was a first for me. Then it was time to get ready for Wednesday.

Obligatory photo.

This is a shot of the Interactive Zone, next to Petco Park. There was a lot more happening here than in previous years, but it didn't open until Thursday, so they were a bit more behind on this than other areas. Perhaps I'll take more pictures of this as it grows. But perhaps not! Check back to find out! Please.

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