
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2014: New Tick and FUBAR comics!

Free Comic Book Day 2014 isn't until May, but the folks over at the FCBD website have just released the "Silver Age" sponsors for next year's event.  Now that the cat's out of the bag, I can relay the news that Duane Redhead and I will be working on a new issue of the Tick.  It seems like the site has yet to upload any descriptions of the books as of yet, so that will still be forthcoming.  But rest assured that there will be new Tick in 2014!  I've seen some of the pages as they've been rolling in, and Duane is really doing a great job with the story.  I'll be excited to share some of those when it's allowed.

There's also a new FUBAR issue due out for FCBD, this one featuring a full-length story written by Chuck Dixon!  The cover you see is drawn by art director Steve Becker, and it puts that damn Phillies hat right on the cover.  Whatever.  I'll be doing a little bit of work on this issue as well, so just as last year, I'll have two Free Comic Book Day comics coming out this May.  This is, of course, very exciting news.  I'll provide more updates as we get closer to the event.  Spread the news!

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