
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pictures from Free Comic Book Day 2013, part 2

Free Comic Book Day is over for the year, but there are still lots of things to talk about and show.  For instance, pictures of me sitting at a table, looking like I am perhaps sleeping!  What intensity there is to this blog.  Oh are a few more pictures from last weekend's FCBD event at New England Comics!

After I left the NEC Quincy store on Saturday, I hopped on a train and went to NEC Cambridge at Harvard Square, which was a fun little store in the setting of urban Boston.  Things weren't as busy as they had been earlier in the day, but there was still a steady stream of people who came into the store to get some free comics.  Before I set up shop, I met for a bit with FUBAR's Jennie Wood and Kevin Johnson:

I hadn't previously met either of the two, and it was nice to meet in person some folks I had worked with on the newest FUBAR volume.  Wood was there with copies of her book Flutter (with art by Jeff McComsey), and I picked one up before the two left for the evening.

For no reason at all, I brought a few Teddy and the Yeti sketch cards with me.  If there was a rare slow moment, I scratched out a terrible looking Tick sketch and handed it to a kid, who didn't know any better and generally liked it.  Near the end of the day, I gave one out to the kid on the right, who liked it so much that he brought his older brother and sister back to get ones of their own.  This was fairly embarrassing, as I don't draw well and draw even worse when I have a time limit.  Thankfully, these kids left without crying and I was able to recoup some of my dignity before the night was over.

Here's a shot of the outside of the store.  That's...all I have to say about it.

On Sunday at noon, I had another signing at NEC Malden, where I managed to give away from FUBAR FCBD books as well as the standard Tick issue.  The Malden store is pretty big, and it has a big cutout of the Tick in the front window.

The few hours I spent at the store were pretty slow altogether, but I still probably signed a dozen or more books before packing things up for the trip home.

Before I left, though, I got a tour of the basement storage.  In the basement sit literally tons of Tick merchandise, from stacks and stacks of books to toys to promotional material.  It was quite a sight to see.  I even convinced the manager to let me rummage through some boxes, and I left with a few books that I didn't already have.

Look at these boxes!  These are almost certainly sealed cases of toys from the '90s cartoon, just waiting to be opened and distributed.  I could have spent days down here, digging and rummaging for Tick treasure, and there is undoubtedly some treasure to be found.  But as I had a 10-hour drive ahead of me and it was already early afternoon, I did my best to furiously grab some things I was looking for and I got out of there.  Next time maybe I'll be able to spend some more time browsing.  It was quite the sight.

This weekend was really good to me.  The folks at NEC were gracious almost to a fault, and I'm grateful for all of their hospitality.  There are some exciting things coming up for the Tick and I'm happy to say that I'll be a part of at least some of it.

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