
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Karin Rindevall's Teddy and the Yeti, The Din and more!

If you've followed this blog at all since it started up in 2008, the name Karin Rindevall won't be an unfamiliar one - the Swedish artist has been a contributor to Teddy and the Yeti, Andromeda Jones and other various projects since the beginning.  It's hard to even remember the exact circumstances under which we met...I'm sure it was a generic Digital Webbing ad in some context or another, but in any case, Karin has been a major help with a number of my comics and she does a heck of a job on her own work as well.

Karin has been hard at work on a number of projects recently, not the least of which, from my perspective, has been a new, four-page Teddy and the Yeti story that will run in issue #6.  The first page from this story is above, both drawn and colored by Karin.  Her distinctly European, animation-influenced style is on display and in great form with this page, and I couldn't be happier with the results.  I'm not even sure how to letter this story yet - if I should try it myself or opt for a hand letterer, one who might mesh better with the artwork at hand.

Karin, who works in animation and game development, also puts together the webcomic "the Din", a story about a civilization in which all technology has been abandoned hundreds of years in the past.  In the Din, society is slowly reinventing itself as it reintroduces new machines and other technology into its midsts.  It's a fascinating read and, while some chapters are under construction and the story is far from finished, it's well worth the time it takes to check out.  The webcomic is housed at!

Karin's also got a blog that she updates regularly where you can find smilin' Steve Rogers as well as other gems.  Take a look and enjoy at!

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