
Friday, May 21, 2010

Jeff vs. Jeff: this time, it's personal

One of my favorite things about attending the Pittsburgh Comicon this past April was getting to meet fellow creator and fellow Jeff McSomething, Jeff McComsey, much beleaguered on this blog for nothing else than having a name very similar to my own.  I even intimated that Jeff and I might fight at the show, and as you can see by the picture at top, not only did things come to blows, but we apparently decided to battle it out in the style of 1910 prizefighters.  Great form, McClelland.

In any case, Jeff McComsey turned out to be a man of great talent with a predilection for drawing historical figures as zombies, both of which I can admire.  At the show I picked up a few of his books, "American Terror" and the mini comic "Sgt. Killroy", pictured below:

Both were very enjoyable reads: McComsey's fluid style lends itself to the futuristic noir-ishness of "American Terror" and the classic feel of "Sgt. Killroy"; to me, it felt like a mix between Sgt. Rock and the Evil Dead movies...both works of art in their own right.  Jeff was even kind enough to do some sketches for me, including one of the WWII-era Japanese Emperor Hirohito:

The flag in the background is a nice touch, though I might be more a fan of the militaristic "Rising Sun" variety.

Jeff's working on a new book featuring Sgt. Killroy and other WWII-era zombified tales in "FUBAR", which sounds like tons of fun.  I'll post a page from his blog below.  You can find out more about FUBAR (the acronym which first originated in WWII times, as a matter of fact), American Terror and other McComseyisms at the following sites: and  Check 'em out!

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