
Saturday, January 9, 2010


As I was browsing through Evil Genius Comics a few weeks back, the card game seen pictured above caught my eye.  Since I was promoting a book that prominently features a Yeti at the time, I stopped and picked this product up to make sure that I wasn't going insane and was actually seeing two Yetis dressed up in Civil War gear.

"Yetisburg", as it is called, proves that things that rhyme with "-eti" are supremely marketable (you hear that, Hollywood?!).  However, the setting and background of this game do seem to be a little inconsiderate.  I'm not one who thinks that everything past is sacred, mind you, but taking the most bloody struggle in U.S. history and reenacting it with rather absurd mythical characters...well, I suppose that worse things have been done, but still.

The product description is below.  If there's anyone who has actually played this, I'd be interested in hearing how the game holds up.  I'm not much into most card games myself, but hey, put a Yeti in it and maybe I'll take notice.

Four Score and Seven Yetis Ago…
On the bloody fields of Pennsylvania in 1863, two great armies collided to decide the fate of a nation. The South rose, and the North responded with fervent mettle.
At the forefront of the battle stood the mighty Yetis, white-furred giants imported from the wilds of Canada to shred the opposing front lines. The great generals strode through the battle lines, engineering the destruction of the opposing forces while powerful mastodons hurled bombs into the fray.
Yetisburg is a fast-paced, two-player card game where the South is pitted against the North in brutal battle.
Yetisburg contains: 
Two decks of 55 cards each  
60 tokens 
Initiative marker 
One rule booklet
Yetisburg—This War's Anything but Civil.

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