
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Other stuff, part 2.1 - The Partisan redesign

Paul Tucker is both prolific and consistently good at what he does, which makes him a rarity in the comic book biz (the "z" makes it sound cool). I mentioned a little while ago that he and I are working on a title called "The Partisan", which features our main character versus everyone else in existence.

While putting one of our many stories together, Paul decided that Duranko, the lead character, could use a subtle redesign, and here are his results. Almost every part of his outfit hails from a different part of the globe - it's easy to see early American, Chinese and African influences in each of these new designs. It's things like this that make it such a pleasure to work with Paul on the various projects that we've been a part of.

Paul has a pin up of Teddy and the Yeti in the first issue of the book, and if all falls into place, he'll be drawing the short Mr. Massive backup tale in issue #2. Maybe one day we'll get a collection together with all our Partisan stories and share them. I know I'd love to see it.

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