
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pictures from the 2018 Comic-Con International, part 5 (Friday, 7/20)

I apparently took a whole lot of pictures this year at Comic-Con. There are a whopping 40 in this post, all of which were taken on the Friday of the show. But these aren't all I have from Friday! I'll split the post up again and show Friday evening's images soon. For now, let's all take a look at what I saw from the time the convention center opened at 9:30am until it closed at 7:00pm!

The Fantastic Four blockade is ending, people! Marvel highlighted the new FF series on the back of their booth this year.

DC tries to make their movies good...I guess. Their Aquaman display was prominently placed at the convention hall.

And the New England Comics booth remains next to both of these giant displays. Have you seen our sign?

This Megatron might have been the best costume I saw for the show. Any outfit that requires stilts gets points from me.

This Tick brought his own spoon.

And this individual...came out to play-ay-ayyy.

Group shot. Is that Captain Marvel?

The Dark Horse booth held a Dr. Horrible signing on Friday, and I was fortunate enough to get a wristband for the event. In attendance were Joss Whedon, Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion!

This is a pretty good Fillion face, can we all agree with that? And congrats to Felicia Day for having what looks like a Polly Pocket phone case.

I'm blocking Fillion with the brim of my hat, but do you what you can.

We've got Hellboy on the left. On the that from Steven Universe? Should I know this?

This is a pretty good modern Batgirl costume. Constantine is okay.

Look at this Shiny family!

Those Duff energy drinks they sell come in handy as props.

I have a feeling that this is a bait-and-switch.

I ambushed David X. Cohen, co-creator of Futurama, as he passed by the booth. Yes, I talked to him about "Jurassic Bark". There's nothing to be done about it.

I can really appreciate dressing up as a character from a show that hasn't aired new episodes in 50 years. Looking good, Skipper.

The DC Bombshell line is kind of weird, but this costume is great, regardless.

She-Ra! Yes!

I apparently took a walk outside at this time. What is the reason? It's impossible to say.

These guys were born for this. Good for them for going all in.

The Patch Wolverine is really nice.

I enjoy this picture because the background is a little blurry, making it look like the Flash is casually speeding by.

The second Tick of the day!

Deadpool's Super Duper Dance Party animatronic display was as garish and annoying as it should have been. It blared Dolly Parton's "Nine to Five" every 15 minutes or so. There was always a crowd.

Should I know all of the different Judges? It's a job well done in any case.

Funko makes these giant models...what happens to them after the show? Where to they store these things?

Incredibles 2 was so great. So great! And this is a really nice Elastigirl costume.

These folks were hanging out and chatting, so I couldn't get a posed group shot. There was still some impressive work done. And is that Han Solo in the back, or is it just a guy in a vest?

That's a spot on '89s Scott Summers.

Peace and long life to these Trekkies.

I had to tell my dad that there was 10-foot Lawgiver statue at Comic-Con. Beautiful.

This is from Empress, right? Or am I totally off base?

It looks like the guy from "Up" got trapped in Jurassic Park.

This is the second Fifth Element costume I saw! What are the odds?!

Nice of her to offer free fruit to passersby.

Ghost Rider with Troll hair. It works.

The Batman Returns Penguin might be the scariest comic movie villain. I'm standing by this.

As the day was ending, I took the stairs up a level and got a few pictures of the show floor. This one is of the small press area, where you can wonderful banner.

This picture shows about 4% of the show floor, I think. What an enormous convention this is. So big that I still have pictures left to show from Friday evening. Next time!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Tick and Flutter at NYCC!

The 2018 New York Comic Con starts in...about 10 hours? I'll be attending and signing this year, and here's a quick look at what I'll have at the show:

New England Comics will have a booth once again this year, and some exclusive comics to sell. Above is the pencil-only cover that debuts at the show.

There's also a blank sketch cover to the same issue. The comics are limited to 100 and 200 copies of each, which means they are...even more limited than usual.

NEC is located at booth 1365 - I'll be there to sign copies on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Artist Ian Nichols will also be there, so you can get the book signed by (maybe?) everyone who worked on it!

The Tick TV cast will have a panel on Sunday at 4:00 as well. It's the absolute last thing happening at NYCC, so I hope that I can squeeze into the room, which I hear seats (hmm) 200 people.

Jennie Wood shared these next two pictures of one of the Flutter Collection proof copies! This is very exciting. The book should be on sale everywhere next month.

Jennie also managed to line up a signing at the Dark Horse Comics booth (1636) on Sunday from 2:00-2:50. I'll be there with Jennie and artist Jeff McComsey, which is really a pretty big thrill for me. We'll have some giveaways (since the book isn't technically out yet) to hand out. If you're in New York for the convention, please stop by and see us! The Hellboy cast is signing in the same spot earlier at the show, so I'll be looking to see if David Harbour left anything behind, just in case.